Sunday, April 17, 2011

Happy :)

I am happy with life right now and can positively say this is where I need to be at this point in my life.  Living at home is not my ideal situation, but I'll take it.  I have a job, hopefully for the rest of the school year, I'm applying to new jobs for next year, I'm meeting new friends and get to see my "old" friends more is good.  My happiness depends on me right now (for the most part).  I'm not more happy or upset because of a guy.  I'll be upset if I don't get a job but I know I can sub, not ideal, but a job.

I know when the time is right the greatest guy will be placed in my life, but that's not right now.  And I know when that comes my life will be filled with even more happiness.

Life is good! And God is good! :)

Oh, and of course I get to see those beautiful little girls more, and save up for the trip I so desperately want to take Nichole on.

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