Monday, August 15, 2011

need a break...

I need to catch a break in life.  I know there are many people worse off than me, but for me, I could really use something.

I'm so torn with things with him, is it going to work or not.  Obviously no one knows if relationships will last, but ours has been so off and on and hard.  I thought things were going well, but just like it can fall to the ground again.  It's getting old, and hard.

I've also put a lot of work in lately applying for jobs.  I have completed applications for 7 jobs, with my application almost finished for another 4 jobs.  I'm hoping and praying that something will happen in the next week.  I can't give up hope just yet.  It's my final push to do something I want to do, to do more than I am now.  To make me feel like I'm doing something with my life.

It's frustrating.  I feel like my life is stuck in this place while all my friends are moving forward.  A year post grad and I still feel like I'm in a transition period.  Shouldn't that have been over already?

Praying, praying, praying!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mission Trips

I had the opportunity to go on 3 mission trips when I was in high school and all of them were so rewarding in so many ways.  Today at church I was taken back down memory lane about those trips as the current youth shared their experiences about their trip.  It's funny (amazing) how 6 years and a new youth minister the trips seem so similar to mine.  I love music, I'm not great at it, but I love it.  I loved the times we got to sing together as a youth group, especially ending with the song Sanctuary.  Today before communion, the youth got up there and sang that song, just as they did every night before bed, just as we used to.

I was so happy that they still go on Youthworks trips, they're awesome! The work we do while there and the connections made are like nothing you'll ever experience again, it's truly an amazing experience and one I'd like to do again someday.  I can't even explain what those week long trips were like for me, but it was so nice to be reminded of that again today.