Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friends and travel

Just a few days ago I was a bit down about my lack of keeping friendships alive in Iowa (which has changed and I got to see one and talk to another), but I am blessed with so much more as well.

I have had the opportunity to travel for mission trips, with friends, family and for sports.  During some of these amazing trips I have met some pretty incredible long friends.  We may have only spent a few days together, but it was enough to build an amazing friendship on.

The first time this happened was around my junior year.  I had the once in a lifetime opportunity to play softball in Hawaii with a group of girls from around the country.  Our team had some difficulties with our coach, and in the end made our team stronger.  I still talk to a few of my teammates every once in awhile and we keep each other posted on big events, but the one that has lasted was not a team member.  She was a girl from Wisconsin traveling with her mom and boyfriend (my parents went but we took different airlines from LA to Hawaii), and I was on my own.  They took me under their wing and made sure I got there safely.  We didn't see each other much during the week we were there, but enough to keep the friendship going.  I have seen her only twice since then, but hope to this summer.  We talk about once a month and I love the person she is! :)

The summer after my junior year, I had the opportunity to take a mission trip to West Virginia with my youth group.  It was my third one in as many years, was quite different than others.  We had more volunteers there then there was work for us to do (at VBS anyway).  We also played a game to get to know each other and that started a friendship that means so much to me.  She is a tall, blonde beauty! :)  We didn't have much to do at the site, so we spent the time talking and getting to know each other.  We were able to hang out quite a bit the rest of the week as well.  We had so much in common and hit it off right away (sometimes I feel like I'm talking about a relationship with a guy, but nope, haha).  I have been to her house (in IL) a few times and she has been to mine as well.  We have seen each other about once a year since then, 6 years ago! :)  She is amazing and such a good friend to have.

Then there is the most recent one...Heather.  I met her in January on a cruise with our boyfriends (both of us are no longer with the guys). We met in the middle of the cruise and hung out every chance we could with each other.  They were amazing and booked an excursion in Miami with us (and almost missed their flight) to spend more time with us and we had a great day...the four of us.  We have talked almost everyday lately and are hopefully going to have a reunion soon.  We helped each other through the break-ups, which were within days of each other, and now get to see each other happy and in her case, with an amazing guy.  I only wish she didn't live in New York and was such a trip to visit her! :(

I love that all of us only spent a few days together, but made a connection to last a life time.  I know everything happens for a reason and that all these amazing women were in the same place at the same time as me. :)

I am blessed with so many friends, all over the country.  I also have my life long friendships from high school, as well as college.  I am blessed to have some truly amazing friends.  Each and everyone of them has helped me through something or other in this crazy life we lead and I wouldn't be where I am today without all of them.  I just need to remind myself of that sometimes when life gets crazy and it doesn't always seem like things will last...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Can't have it all...

I miss my Iowa friends.  I feel like I'm losing touch with them.  When I'm in IA, I miss my friends at home, when I'm home I miss my friend in IA...I just can't have the best of both worlds! :( I'm scared I'll lose one of my closest friends down there because I'm not with him anymore, I hope that doesn't happen, but it will be hard for her to be with his best friend, be around him and still try to be in touch with me while we both move on.  I ask people to get together every time I'm down there and it just never seems to work out.

I think some of this stems from seeing him this weekend, it confuses me every time.  I know we are not right and will never work in the "forever" but it toys with my emotions.  I don't want to stop talking to him, but at the same time I need to move on and be able to get into another relationship, whenever that comes.

I know I don't want to live in Iowa again, and this is where I need to be, but it's still hard to lose people I care about it...

Friday, June 17, 2011


A night filled with young memories of times when we thought we had it all figured out (and I know at 23 we definitely don't have it figured out still), but how life changes.  A night reflecting on a friendship, relationships along the way and how life changes.  It's always a great feeling to reflect and look back on the past.  You realize how much you've grown, where you've come from and some hope for what the future holds and where it might take you.  I can imagine what the future has for me, but I'm happy with where things are headed!  :)